Tracking Fat Loss Progress: Combining Summer Fat Loss with Cardio and Avoiding Re-Gain. Normal Rates of Body Fat and Weight Loss per Month

First of all, it is crucial to understand that “fat loss” and “weight loss” are distinct concepts. Let’s establish a fundamental understanding. Many individuals assert that the primary focus of weight loss is “calorie deficit.” While it is true that achieving a calorie deficit is essential, it’s important to note that solely maintaining a calorie deficit may result in weight loss rather than fat loss. For instance, aiming for a daily calorie deficit of 500 calories, which accumulates to 3500 calories per week, can lead to a weight loss of 1-2 kg per month, which falls within a reasonable range. However, it is vital to recognize that this approach may primarily lead to “weight loss” rather than targeted “fat loss.”

How to Ensure Effective Fat Loss:

  1. From a scientific standpoint:

To accurately assess fat loss, it is crucial to measure body fat rather than relying solely on body weight measurements. Regularly using a body fat measuring instrument provides a more comprehensive understanding of the relative changes in body fat.

While some people caution against becoming overly fixated on data, tracking body fat measurements can be valuable, particularly for those new to fat loss. It serves as a reference point to gauge the effectiveness of your fat loss efforts and helps you make necessary adjustments.

During weight loss journeys, individuals often employ different strategies such as fasting or ketogenic diets. However, it is important to note that the impact of these methods on the body varies among individuals. Sometimes, the initial reduction in body weight might be attributed to water loss from cutting carbohydrates, mistakenly perceived as “fat loss.” This visual and weight-based effect cannot be accurately detected. Body fat measuring instruments, on the other hand, provide insight into the actual fat loss progress.

It is recommended to opt for reputable brands when selecting a body fat measuring device, considering the numerous options available in the market. If purchasing a machine is not feasible, gyms usually offer body fat measurement services. For consistent tracking, it is advisable to use the same machine over an extended period to establish reliable reference values for tracking progress and regression.

  1. From a Visual Perspective: Documenting Body Transformation

Sometimes, the effects of fat loss may not be readily apparent when using measurement devices. However, the mirror can serve as a powerful tool for observing the most authentic changes in your physique. I encourage you to utilize the physique recording feature available on the Nuli App. By consistently capturing images of your body from the same angle every week, you will be able to track and compare your progress effectively.

When looking at oneself in the mirror, the visual evidence of fat loss becomes evident, allowing you to clearly observe changes in your body’s contours. This method provides an undeniable reflection of your transformation. However, it is important to acknowledge that this approach lacks the precision of quantitative measurements to assess progress and effectiveness.

How to Monitor Fat Loss Progress and Reasonable Rates:

When it comes to fat loss, it is crucial to prioritize health and avoid extreme measures such as drastic diets or the use of drugs. A reasonable rate of fat loss is typically around 1-2% per month. However, with a well-rounded approach that includes resistance training, aerobic exercises, and sensible dietary control, it is possible to achieve a faster rate of 2-4% per month.

What to Do if You’re Not Achieving the Desired Fat Loss Rate:

Many individuals face challenges in reaching their fat loss goals, and it often requires finding a suitable method and modifying your strategy. If, after a month of dedicated efforts, you find yourself at a plateau, consider the following points:

  1. Assess your diet: Ensure you are following the principles of calorie deficit, consuming whole foods, and obtaining sufficient protein intake.
    If you have been following a specific diet plan such as a ketogenic diet or fasting, you may want to temporarily suspend that method and try an alternative approach.
  1. Pay attention to adequate water intake, aiming for at least 2000 cc per day.
  2. Prioritize sufficient sleep, aiming for 6-8 hours per night.
  3. Maintain a consistent exercise program that includes resistance training and aerobic exercises, aiming for at least 2-3 sessions per week.

If you have diligently followed the above recommendations for more than a month and still haven’t achieved your fat loss goals, don’t hesitate to seek guidance and support from Nuli private Facebook group. Other members and Nuli coaches will be there to help you find solutions to your specific challenges.

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